We saw an extraordinary amount of stuff on day two in the Mara. After the balloon ride and brunch, we drove north through the Masai Mara game reserve, to meet up with our guide from Saruni Mara back in the Mara North Conservancy.
Masai Mara National Reserve
Widlife viewing the national parks isn't quite the same as in the conservancies - you have to stay on the official roads, so if the animals are far away, that's what you get. There's still no shortage of wildlife, though.
Zebra, giraffes, families of elephants, ostrich, birds, cape buffalo, and even rhino - and that's while basically just exiting the park!

Yup, that's a pair of black rhino, causing a rhino jam on the road, even though all you could see was a sliver of their backs (and for even that you needed good binoculars or a long zoom lens).
We saw rhino again up close on day three, when we visited the rhino sanctuary (and again in the wild, later on the trip, at Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania).
Cape Buffalo. Not a beast you want to mess with - they're known as "Black Death", and are reported to kill around 200 people each year.