Visio Parts and Circuit Diagrams
This is a large collection of objects for Visio, for amplifier schematics and layout diagrams, which I drew over the years I was building amps. The layout parts are accurately sized from specifications where available, and physical measurements where specs were not available. There are also vacuum tube basing diagrams, and lots of pre-drawn circuit pieces for common circuits.

The contents of the two archives are identical, but in slightly
different file formats. contains everything in
Visio's native .vsd
file format. has the same files in the
XML-based .vdx
format, which can be imported by
Touchdraw, and is what I use for
diagramming now on iOS and OS X.
Schematic Links
- Software
- JSchem, a Java-based open-source (but no longer maintained) schematic editor. Used for the schematics at a-wai/ampfactory. Requires Java 6.
- Schematic Repositories
- Schematic Heaven
- The Tube Store's schematics
- Process Amplifiers schematic archive
-, a mirror of Schematic Heaven, US Navy electronics manuals, tube datasheets, and more
- EL34 World
- Blue Guitar schematics
- Amp Repair Parts schematic archive, including lots of modern amps.
- Fender offical schematic downloads
- Carvin guitar amp schematics